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objective is different from many other works focused on memory safety, we would
like to better evaluate our solution with respect to the state-of-the-art tools on
commonly used benchmarks. Since we check only specified properties at runtime,
that will require to write or automatically generate e-acsl annotations related
to memory safety. While runtime assertion checking for such a rich specification
language as e-acsl will likely have a greater overhead compared to these tools
(that do not need to monitor function contracts and variable initialization, or
treat specific memory-related e-acsl constructs), some of the implementation
solutions they used can still be applicable in our context. Future work also
includes further optimizations to minimize the calls to the monitoring library
(e.g. redundant checks or irrelevant monitoring).
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2. Clarke, L.A., Rosenblum, D.S.: A historical perspective on runtime assertion check-
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3. Turing, A.: Checking a large routine. In: The Conference on High Speed Automatic
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4. Leucker, M., Schallhart, C.: A brief account of runtime verification. J. Log. Algebr.
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5. Cuoq, P., Kirchner, F., Kosmatov, N., Prevosto, V., Signoles, J., Yakobowski, B.:
Frama-C: A program analysis perspective. In: Eleftherakis, G., Hinchey, M., Hol-
combe, M. (eds.) SEFM 2012. LNCS, vol. 7504, pp. 233-247. Springer, Heidelberg
6. Delahaye, M., Kosmatov, N., Signoles, J.: Common specification language for static
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7. Kosmatov, N., Signoles, J.: A lesson on runtime assertion checking with Frama-C.
In: Bensalem, S., Legay, A. (eds.) RV 2013. LNCS, vol. 8174, Springer, Heidelberg
8. Szpankowski, W.: Patricia tries again revisited. J. ACM 37(4), 691-711 (1990)
9. Signoles, J.: E-ACSL: Executable ANSI/ISO C Specification Language (January
10. Baudin, P., Filliatre, J.C., Hubert, T., March´e,C.,Monate,B.,Moy,Y.,Prevosto,
V.: ACSL: ANSI/ISO C Specification Language, v1.6 (April 2013),
11. Baudin, P., Pacalet, A., Raguideau, J., Schoen, D., Williams, N.: CAVEAT: a
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12. Filliˆatre,J.-C,Marche, C.: The why/Krakatoa/Caduceus platform for deduc-
tive program verification. In: Damm, W., Hermanns, H. (eds.) CAV 2007. LNCS,
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