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1 int last;
2 int * new_inversed( int len, int * v) {
int i, * p;
__store_block(&v, sizeof ( int * )); __full_init(&v);
if (!( __valid(v, sizeof ( int )) && __offset(v)+len * sizeof ( int ) <= __block_length(v) ))
e_acsl_fail("new_inversed","assert","line 4");
p = __malloc( sizeof ( int ) * len);
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
p[i] = v[len-i-1];
return p;
12 }
13 int main() {
int v1[3]={1,2,3}, * v2;
__store_block(v1,3 * sizeof ( int )); __full_init(v1);
if (! __valid(v1+2, sizeof ( int )) ) e_acsl_fail("main","assert","line 13");
last = v1[2];
v2 = new_inversed(3, v1);
last = v2[2];
if (!( last == 1 )) e_acsl_fail("main","assert","line 17");
__delete_block(v1); __clean();
23 }
Fig. 8. Simplified instrumentation of the file vector.c of Fig. 7 with e-acsl2c
these e-acsl annotations, the analysis goes backwards in the code in order to
find where the monitored variables v and v1 are assigned and where aliases are
potentially created.
More precisely, the analysis starts from the end of the program with σ =
and goes backwards up to the beginning, analyzing statements, annotations and
called functions in order to collect memory locations to be monitored into σ .For
the example of Fig. 7, it collects nothing until the assertion at line 5 in function
new_inversed called from the line 15 (still in a context with σ =
). At this point,
it remembers that v has to be monitored. Going back to the callsite (line 15), as
the formal parameter v has to be monitored, the corresponding argument v1 is
also collected into σ . For the assertion of line 13, the analysis computes that v1
has to be monitored (actually, it is already in σ , so nothing new is discovered).
Finally the analysis concludes that v and v1 have to be monitored, leading to the
optimized instrumentation of Fig 8. We notice that variables last , len , i , p and
v2 are not monitored, unlike in the unoptimized instrumentation.
If v1 was a pointer referring to another array v3 (e.g. if the line 12 was
int v3[3]={1,2,3}, * v1=v3, * v2; ), the analysis would deduce from the assignment
v1=v3 that v3 should be monitored as well.
Experiments. In the tested examples, the optimization based on dataflow anal-
ysis reduced the total execution time of instrumented code by 66% in average. It
is due to a smaller number of monitored variables (decreasing by 78% in average)
and hence a smaller number of records and queries to the store (number of calls
to gtCommonPrefixMask throughout the execution decreased by 71% in average).
The analysis was rather fast: no example has been slowed down by integrating
this optimization.
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