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config.yml file specifies which network principals will play which roles in this session
and the runtime sends invitation messages to each. The join method confirms that the
endpoint is joining the conversation as the principal alice playing the role User ,and
returns a conversation channel object for performing the subsequent communication
operations. Once the invitations are sent and accepted (via Conversation.join ), the
conversation is established and the intended message exchanges can proceed. As a result
of the initiation procedure, the runtime at every participant has a mapping (conversation
table) between each role and their AMQP addresses.
Conversation Message Passing. Following its local protocol, the User program sends
a request to the controller , stating the duration for which it requires access to agent .
The send method called on the conversation channel c takes, in this order, the des-
tination role, message operator and payload values as arguments. This information is
embedded into the message payload as part of the conversation meta data, and is later
used by the monitor in the runtime verification. The recv method can take the source
role as a single argument, or additionally the operator of the desired message. Send is
asynchronous, meaning that the operation does not block on the corresponding receive;
however, the basic receive does block until the complete message has been received.
For asynchronous, non-blocking receives, the API provides recv async to be used in an
event-driven style.
Interrupt Handling via Conversation Scopes. This example demonstrates a way of
handling conversation interrupts by combining conversation scopes with the Python
with statement (an enhanced try-finally construct). We use with to conveniently cap-
ture interruptible conversation flows and the nesting of interruptible scopes, as well
as automatic close of interrupted channels in the standard manner, as follows. The
API provides the c.scope() method, as in line 10, to create and enter the scope of
an interruptible Scribble block (here, the outer interruptible of the RAC protocol).
The timeout and stop arguments associate these message signatures as interrupts to
this scope. The conversation channel c1 returned by scope is a wrapper of the parent
channel c that (1) records the current scope of every message sent in its meta data, (2)
ensures every send and receive operation is guarded by a check on the local interrupt
queue, and (3) tracks the nesting of scope contexts through nested with statements. The
interruptible scope of c1 is given by the enclosing with (lines 10-21); if, e.g., a timeout
is received within this scope, the control flow will exit the with to line 22. The inner
with (lines 13-17), corresponding to the inner interruptible block, is associated with the
pause interrupt. When an interrupt, e.g. pause in line 17, is thrown ( send interrupt )to
the other conversation participants, the local and receiver runtimes each raise an internal
exception that is either handled or propagated up, depending on the interrupts declared
at the current scope level, to direct the interrupted control flow accordingly. The de-
lineation of interruptible scopes by the global protocol, and its projection to each local
protocol, thus allows interrupted control flows to be coordinated between distributed
participants in a structured manner.
The scope wrapper channels are closed (via the with ) after throwing or handling an
interrupt message. For example, using c1 (outside its parent scope) after a timeout is
received will be flagged as an error. By identifying the scope of every message from its
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