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ensure that neither is violated. 8 A translation in terms of two concurrent (sub)monitors,
each analysing di
erent parts of the trace so as to ensure the observation of its respec-
tive sub-formula, constitutes a natural synthesis of the conjunction formula in our tar-
get language: it adheres to recommended Erlang practices advocating for concurrency
wherever possible [7], but also allows us to benefit from the advantages of concurrent
monitors discussed in the Introduction.
Example 4 (Conjunction Formulas).
Consider the two sHML formulas
α call ] max ( X
α call ] X )
ϕ no dup ans
β ans ][
β ans ] ff
β ans ][
ϕ react ans
max ( Y
β ans ] ff
α call ][
β ans ] Y )
ϕ no dup ans requires that call actions
α call are at most serviced by a single answer
ϕ react ans requires that answer actions are only produced in
response to call actions. Although one can rephrase the conjunction of the two formulas
as a formula without a top-level conjunction, it is more straightforward to use two con-
current monitors executing in parallel (one for each sub-formula in
β ans , whereas formula
ϕ no dup ans ∧ϕ react ans ).
There are also other reasons why it would be beneficial to keep the sub-formulas sepa-
rate: for instance, keeping the formulas disentangled improves maintainability and sep-
aration of concerns when subformulas originate from distinct specifying parties.
Multiple conjunctions also arise indirectly when used under fix-point operators.
When synthesising concurrent monitors analysing separate branches of such recursive
properties, it is important to generate monitors that can dynamic spawn further sub-
monitors themselves as required at runtime, so as to keep the monitoring overheads to
a minimum.
Example 5 (Conjunctions and Fixpoints). Recall
ϕ safe , from (2) in Ex. 2. Semantically,
the formula represents the infinite-depth tree with an infinite number of conjunctions,
depicted in Fig. 3(a). Although in practice, we cannot generate an infinite number of
concurrent monitors,
ϕ safe will translate into possibly more than two concurrent moni-
tors executing in parallel.
Exp , takes a closed, guarded 9 sHML
formula and returns an Erlang function that is then parameterised by a map (encoded as
a list of tuples) from formula variables to other synthesised monitors of the same form.
The map encodes the variable bindings introduced by the construct max ( X
Our monitor synthesis,
); it is used
for lazy recursive unrolling of formulas so as to minimize monitoring overhead. For in-
stance, when synthesising formula
ϕ safe from Ex. 2, the algorithm initially spawns only
two concurrent submonitors, one checking for the subformula [
] ff , and another
one checking for the formula [
] X , as is depicted in Fig. 3(b). Whenever the rightmost
submonitor in Fig. 3(b) observes the action
and reaches X , it unfolds X and spawns an
additonal submonitor as depicted in Fig. 3(c), thereby increasing the monitor overheads
Since conjunctions are found in many monitoring logics, the concepts discussed here extend
directly to other RV settings.
In guarded sHML formulas, variables appear only as a sub-formula of a necessity formula.
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