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i ! v
q ]
r ]
q ]
j [ i ! v
h [ d
j [ v
h [ d
r :
i ? v
q ]
r ]
q : v ]
i [ e
h [ d
i [ e
h [ d
r :
Our LTS semantics assumes well-formed actor systems, whereby every actor iden-
tifier is unique ;itistermedtobea tracing semantics because a distinguished tracer
actor, identified by the monitoring modality
, receives messages recording external
communication events by monitored actors. Formally, we write A γ
B in lieu of
, the least ternary relation satisfying the rules in Fig. 2. These rules
employ evaluation contexts , denoted as
(described below) specifying which sub-
expressions are active. For instance, an expression is only evaluated when at the top
level variable binding, x =
, e or when the expression denoting the destination of an
output has evaluated to a value, v !
; the other cases are also fairly standard. 3 We denote
the application of a context
to an expression e as
[ e ].
! e
v !
( e )
v (
of g end
x =
, e
| ...
Communication in actor systems happens in two stages: an actor receives messages,
keeping them in order in its mailbox, and then selectively reads them at a later stage
using pattern matching—rules Rd1andRd2 describe how mailbox messages are tra-
versed in order to find the first one matching a pattern in the pattern list g , releasing
the respective guarded expression e as a result. We choose only to record external com-
munication at tracer processes, i.e., between the system and the environment, and do
not trace internally communication between actors within the system, irrespective of
their modality (see Com); structural equivalence rules, A
B , are employed to simplify
the presentation of our rules—see rule Str and the corresponding structural rules. In
Par, the side-condition enforces the single-receiver property, inherent to actor systems;
for instance, it prevents a transition with an action j ! v when actor j is part of the actor
system B . Finally, spawned actors inherit monitorability when launched by a monitored
actor, but are launched as unmonitored otherwise (see Spw). The rest of the transition
rules are fairly standard; consult [15] for details.
Remark 2. Our tracing semantics sits at higher level of abstraction than that o
ered by
the EVM [7] because trace entries typically contain more information. For instance,
the EVM records internal communication between monitored actors, as an output trace
entry immediately followed by the corresponding input trace entry; we here describe
sanitised traces whereby consecutive matching trace entries are filtered out.
Example 1 (Non-deterministic behaviour). Our systems exhibit non-deterministic be-
haviour through either internal or external choices [23,18]. Consider the actor system:
h ) i [ rcv x
q ]
j 1 [ i ! v ]
j 2 [ i ! u ]
j 1 ,
j 2 ,
obs !x end
h [ e
In our formalisation, expressions are not allowed to evaluate under a spawn context, spw [ ].
This di ff ers from standard Erlang semantics but allows a lightweight description of function
application spawning; an adjustment in line with Erlang spawning would be straightforward.
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