HTML and CSS Reference
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Figure 4-10: A color scheme applied to a page.
h e following two challenges should be fun, and you'll learn a lot from doing them both:
Reproducing the standard color chart: In Figure 4-1 is an image with the standard
colors. Your i rst challenge is to see if you can reproduce the Web page that displays those
colors. Here are a couple hints to get started:
Dei ne each named color as a class in your <style> container with the same color
for the text and background colors.
. aqua { color : aqua ; background - color : aqua ; }
One way to do this is to use the <span> tag to assign classes to the content of the
<span> container.
< h3 > < span class = aqua > COLORNAME </ span >< span class = black > COLORNAME
</ span >< span class = blue > COLORNAME </ span >< span class = fuchsia > COLORNAME
</ span > < h3 >
Your picture belongs on a Web page! h is is a three-part task:
1. Make a digital image of yourself using the built-in camera on your computer or
upload one from a digital camera.
2. Load the image into Kuler and create a color palette.
3. Create a Web page with your picture using the color palette you created in Kuler.
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