HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
swf” width = 300 height = 200 >
< param name = “movie” value = “ShootingStar.swf” />
< param name = “quality” value = “high” />
< param name = “bgcolor” value = “#ffffff” />
< param name = “play” value = “true” />
< param name = “loop” value = “true” />
< param name = “wmode” value = “window” />
< param name = “scale” value = “showall” />
< param name = “menu” value = “true” />
< param name = “devicefont” value = “false” />
< param name = “salign” value = ““ />
< param name = “allowScriptAccess” value = “sameDomain” />
< !-- < ![endif]-- >
< a href = “http: // / go / getflash” >
< img src = “http: // / images / shared / download_
buttons / get_flash_player.gif” alt = “Get Adobe Flash player” />
</ a >
< !--[if !IE] > -- >
</ object >
< !-- < ![endif]-- >
</ object >
</ div >
</ body >
</ html >
h e key HTML5 element is the <object> tag. Several parameters have been included, but all
of them can be changed to better suit your site. For example, the background color is set to
white ( #ffffff ), and by typing in a dif erent background color, you can match it to your
site. Likewise, you can change the CSS and anything else you want.
Another program variously called Flex and Flash Builder also generates .swf i les. Using a
very powerful language called ActionScript 3.0, developers are able to create programs with
the same depth and power as established programs like Java and C++. However, all the
HTML5 developer has to do is add the .swf i le with his own code or code generated
automatically by Flash and Flash Builder.
I think you're going to like this challenge. It involves both the new geolocation and
localStorage objects in HTML5. As you saw in this chapter, all you need to place a
Google Map on your Web page is the value of the location's latitude and longitude. h e
geolocation object generates those values for you in HTML5 in your current position. If
you have a mobile device, you can generate that information in several dif erent locations.
Alternatively, you can go to an online mapping program, enter an address, and the mapping
program will do it for you. So here's the challenge:
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