HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
One of the most exciting new tags in the HTML5 collection is <audio> . With it you can play
audio i les using the speakers on your computer or headset on a mobile device. h e basic
format to select a sound i le to play is:
< audio src = ”jazz.mp3” ></ audio >
h e src attribute works just like it does in an <img> tag — it's a reference to the source of
the i le. However, to get the audio to play, you need to look at the attributes.
h e autoplay attribute is fairly self-explanatory. As soon as the page loads, the sounds begin
to play. Before adding the autoplay attribute, you want to be sure that all your users are
going to be okay with listening to whatever you're playing. One way to guarantee that users
will not return to a page is to have a continuous sound that automatically turns on. h at
concern aside, the following script ( BasicAudio.html in this chapter's folder at www. ) shows how to create a simple page that begins playing
as soon as it's launched:
< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text/html; charset=UTF-8” >
< title > Basic Audio </ title >
</ head >
< body >
Audio is between the lines < br >
< br >
< audio src = ”jazz.wav” autoplay ></ audio >
< br >
</ body >
</ html >
You can test that script with any browser except Google Chrome because it's the only one that
doesn't recognize sound i les in the .wav format. Use an .mp3 or .ogg sound i le instead for
Chrome testing.
As noted, if your sound (music, sound ef ects, or even just talking) annoys your users, they're
not going to return. So, how do you control sound? h e easiest way is to add the controls
attribute. As with autoplay , you don't have to give it a value. Just include it within the
<audio> tag, and it automatically appears. Try the following program ( Controls.html
in this chapter's folder at ):
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