HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
h e (X) in Figure 9-15 indicates that the Fill is a variable that can be changed with HTML5. In
order to access the feature to be changed (the i ll color in this case), AI generates code for the
SVG i le format that can be viewed and/or saved during the conversion from an .ai i le to
an .svg i le. During the conversion process, the designer clicks the Show SVG code button,
and i nds the layer name of the variable feature. In this example, the specii c SVG code was
the following:
< g id = ”Button” >
< ellipse fill = ”param(SVGID_2__FillColor) #A35563” cx = ”50” cy = ”50” rx = ”40”
ry = ”40.5” />
</ g >
h e id with the value Button is from the name of the layer in AI. h e param name value is
SVGID_2__FillColor , which is automatically generated by AI.
In order to work the SVG information into an HTML5 program, the .svg i le must be
referenced in an <object> element and the parameter in a <param> tag. h e JavaScript i le
Param.js is also automatically generated by AI and must be loaded in the <head> con-
tainer in order for Firefox to correctly parse the code. h e following code ( AI2svg.html in
this chapter's folder at ) works with Firefox, Safari,
Chrome and Opera browsers but with some dif erences in display.
< html >
< head >
< script src = ”Param.js” ></ script >
< meta http - equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text/html; charset=UTF-8” >
< title > AI -> SVG </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< article >
< section >
< figure >
< object type = ”image/svg+xml” data = ”butnBkground.svg” >
<!-- No param tags -->
</ object >
</ figure >
< figure >
< object type = ”image/svg+xml” data = ”butnBkground.svg” >
< param name = ”SVGID_2__FillColor” value = ”#cc0000” />
</ object >
</ figure >
</ section >
</ article >
</ body >
</ html >
In order to illustrate the sequence of processes, Figure 9-16 shows the original AI i le and the
results of the output in Opera when the page AI2svg.html loads.
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