HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
h e body element is the sectioning root just as the html element is the page root. h rough-
out the previous chapters, you've seen several of the section elements, so you're familiar with
them. However, a script helps to see how they're used in conjunction and consider their uses
( ArticleStructure.html in this chapter's folder at
smashinghtml5 ).
< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text/html; charset=UTF-8” >
< title > Sections </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< article >
< header >
< h1 > Pilots and Planes </ h1 >
< p >< q > I never left one up there . </ q >< i > Ace Davis </ i ></ p >
</ header >
< nav >< a href = ”#” > Safety </ a > | < a href = ”#” > Check Lists </ a > | < a
href = ”#” > Landings </ a ></ nav >
< section >
< h2 > Flying Stories by Real Pilots </ h2 >
< h3 >... and other cures for insomnia .</ h3 >
< section >
< h4 > Short Final </ h4 >
< p > As we were on short final , control cleared the Maule for immediate takeoff ,
which it did in about 15 feet of runway at an airspeed of 20 mph . It filled my
windshield as I approached stall speed . After realizing its mistake , the tower
instructed the Maule to loop , and we were able to land without incident .</ p >
</ section >
< section >
< h4 > Thermal on Takeoff </ h4 >
< p > Taking off from Gila Bend , Arizona , with the ambient temperature of 130 F ,
we encountered a strong thermal at the end of the runway , which took our Cessna
177b to 15,000 feet in 12 seconds flat , at which time we leveled off and proceeded
to New Mexico via the jet stream , setting a new speed record .</ p >
</ section >
</ section >
< aside >
< h2 > Truthful Pilot Found !</ h2 >
< p > Emily Rudders , a pilot in Moose Bite , Vermont , was recently found to be the
only truthful pilot in existence . When asked to relate her most exciting flying
adventure, Emily replied, < q > I ain't never flew no airplane. I jus' shoot at 'em
when they fly over and bother the moose. </ q ></ p >
</ aside >
< footer >
< address >
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