HTML and CSS Reference
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One other <meta> tag attribute that's very cool is http-equiv set in the Refresh state.
Using this attribute, you can automatically refresh a page or even change HTML pages. For
example, you could have part of your site have an automatic slide show to display photos of a
party or friends in a club. h e tag format for using the Refresh state is:
< meta http - equiv = ”Refresh” content = ”[secs]” >
For example, the following tag refreshes (reloads) the page every 30 seconds:
< meta http - equiv = ”Refresh” content = ”30” >
Not only can you reload the same page, but you can reload dif erent pages. If you want to load
a sequence of pages, you can set the initial meta tag set as follows, to set the page assigned as a
URL value at er 1 2 second:
< meta http - equiv = ”Refresh” content = ”.5; URL=pg2.html” >
Notice how the content value of both the number of seconds and the URL are in the same set
of quotation marks. h e following HTML5 code launches a series of pages that keep refresh-
ing until a home page is loaded:
< html >
< head >
< meta http - equiv = ”Content-Type” content = ”text/html; charset=UTF-8” >
< meta http - equiv = ”Refresh” content = ”.5; URL=pg2.html” >
< title > Image 1 </ title >
</ head >
< body >
< img src = ”one.png” alt = ”one” >
</ body >
</ html >
At er the initial page, you would have the following sequence — only one per page:
Page 2: <meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”.5; URL=pg3.html”>
Page 3: <meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”.5; URL=pg4.html”>
Page 4: <meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”.5; URL=pg5.html”>
Page 5: <meta http-equiv=”Refresh” content=”.5; URL=homeNow.
h e home page, homeNow.html , would have no Refresh state in the <meta> tag. In fact,
other than the meta element with the Content-Type , it would have no other meta tag. (h is
thing would go on forever if you looped the home page back to the i rst page!)
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