Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4 Effect of phase lag between tidal and density currents through the harbor entrance
on the density-induced exchange flow. Source: [28]. Reproduced with permission
where: V d =exchangevolumepertideduetodensitycurrents, f 4 =coefficient
depending on V do /
V ha with V ha being the volume of the basin below MSL,
f 5 = coefficient depending on V do /
ϕ t between u do and u t .
It is obvious that in a large harbor (low values of V do /
V t and phase lag
V ha )theaveragewa-
ter density will hardly follow the density fluctuation of the water in front of
the harbor. In the case of a small harbor basin and
or strong density currents
(higher values of V do /
V ha ), however, the density of the water inside the har-
bor may follow the density fluctuations outside. This results in a reduction of
the characteristic density difference inducing the density currents. This effect
has been included in the coefficient f 4 , which consequently reduces with in-
creasing V do /
V ha . This effect has been estimated theoretically on the basis of
linear harmonic theory assuming a constant water level and neglecting tidal
flow (total water exchange V e = V do ).
Under specific conditions of low tide, low flow, and low density differences
other exchange processes become more important in the exchange [34]:
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