Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Morris Rossabi (ed.) The Travels of Marco Polo . Said to have inspired Columbus, The
Travels is a fantastic read, full of amazing insights picked up during Marco Polo's 26 years of
wandering in Asia between Venice and the Peking court of Kublai Khan. It's not, however, a
coherent history, having been ghost-written by a romantic novelist from Marco Polo's notes.
GilesBeguinandDominiqueMorel The Forbidden City: Heart of Imperial China . A good
introduction to the complex, and to the history of the emperors who lived there, though the
best thing about this pocket book (as with most books about the Forbidden City) is the illus-
LinXiangZhuandLinCuifeng Chinese Gastronomy (o/p). A classic work, relatively short
on recipes but strong on cooking methods and the underlying philosophy. It wavers in and
out of print, sometimes under different titles - look for “Lin” as the author name. Essential
reading for anyone serious about learning the finer details of Chinese cooking.
Mary Tregear Chinese Art . Authoritative summary of the main strands in Chinese art from
Neolithic times, through the Bronze Age and up to the twentieth century. Clearly written and
well illustrated.
Asiapac Comics Series. Available at Beijing's Foreign Language Bookstore, this entertain-
ing series of books presents ancient Chinese philosophy in cartoon format, making the sub-
ject accessible without losing too much complexity. They're all well written and well drawn;
particularly good is the Sayings of Confucius .
Confucius The Analects . There are various good translations of this classic text, a collection
of Confucius's teachings focusing on morality and the state. I Ching , also known as The Topic
of Changes , is another classic volume from Confucius that teaches a form of divination. It in-
cludes coverage of some of the fundamental concepts of Chinese thought, such as the duality
of yin and yang .
Lao Zi Tao Te Ching . The Daodejing in pinyin, this is a collection of mystical thoughts and
philosophical speculation that form the basis of Taoist philosophy.
Arthur Waley (trans.) Three Ways of Thought in Ancient China . Translated extracts from
the writings of three of the early philosophers - Zhuang Zi, Mencius and Han Feizi. A useful
Pallavi Aiyar Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China . There are plenty of memoirs
about the expat experience in Beijing; this one stands out as it was written from an Indian
perspective. Amusing, anecdotal and full of acute observations.
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