Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuration settings to consider
Here are a few essbase.cfg file settings you should consider using when first
having concerns about system performance.
Always remember, you can add a new statement to the
essbase.cfg file at any time by simply opening it in any text
editor. After you have added or removed the necessary statement,
you save and close the file.
The new settings will take effect the next time the Essbase service
is started or restarted on the server.
Ports and connections
In this section, we will talk about the server agent threads, net delays, and
agent delays. These settings, added to the Essbase server configuration file,
can help improve the performance of your system as well as to help improve
the network connectivity:
AGENTTHREADS : Specifies how many threads the server may spawn
for connections. If you have a low number of paid licenses, you would
set this setting a little higher than average. The default is five for
maximum performance.
AGENTDELAY : The higher you set this setting the longer the Essbase service
will wait to process requests from connections. Obviously, the higher the
AGENTTHREADS setting, the higher you should set this setting.
AGTSVRCONNECTIONS : Specifies the maximum number of concurrent
connections to the analytic server. A lower number usually means faster
system response time.
NETDELAY : Specifies the delay in milliseconds, of how long the analytic
server will wait between retries on failed network requests.
NETRETRYCOUNT : Specifies the number of times the analytic server will
retry a failed network request.
Logging and error handling
In this section, we will talk about how you can set the limits for data load errors
as well as the level of detail captured in the output error messages.
DATAERRORLIMIT : Specifies the maximum number of rows written to
the log for individual processes. The default is 1,000 and the maximum
is 65,000. Your experience will help you decide how much information
you need in the log.
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