Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Here are the steps to execute MaxL from the EAS MaxL editor:
Within EAS, click on File | Editor | MaxL Script Editor. The MaxL script
editor will be opened.
The import database MaxL statement should be used to load the data,
as shown in the following screenshot:
This is how you can execute your MaxL scripts from within EAS. In the next section
we will discuss how you can make use of the powerful Essbase API to write highly
functional backend programs for your Essbase applications.
Essbase Application Programming
Interface (API)
The Essbase Application Programming Interface or API, is a programmatic interface
between your client or your application server and the Essbase analytic server.
The Essbase analytic server manages the transfer of data between client and analytic
server or the application server and analytic server over your network.
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