Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
<USERNAME> /* enter your user name or batch id */
Identiied by
< PASSWORD> /* enter your password or batch password */
<HOSTNAME> /*enter the server name */
Code Sample:
login <USERNAME> identified by <PASSWORD> on <HOSTNAME>;
Guess what? You have just written your first MaxL statement. Did we say something
new here? Well, we have learned a little bit about a few MaxL statements in earlier
chapters of this topic, but here we are discussing MaxL for the sole purpose of learning
how to use the MaxL scripting language and all of the benefits these commands can
bring to the Essbase administrator.
Working with an Essbase application in MaxL
As a part of your weekly or monthly maintenance, you may have routine tasks to
perform on the application level. Guess what? You can easily execute repetitive tasks
using the MaxL scripting language. A word of caution, the user who performs these
MaxL actions should have System Designer access or higher.
At the application level you can do some very important actions with MaxL. You can
create a new application on the analytic server or you can create a copy of an existing
application. You can also alter an application, display an application, and finally
even drop an application. Let us see how we can use each of these actions in
a MaxL script.
Creating an application
Using the MaxL scripting language you can either create a new application or copy
an existing application. You may wonder why we would need to create an application
by using a MaxL script. Well we may need to create a yearly MaxL job which requires
you to copy an existing application to a new application as a backup, but also you will
need to create a new application to replace the old application for the new year's cycle.
Both of these tasks, creating a new application and copying an existing application can
be done using the MaxL Create statement as shown in the syntax and code sample
as follows:
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