Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Using your Essbase Cube
Wow, after that last chapter on database calculation scripts, who could blame you
if you wanted to take a break and try to fully digest just what it is that you learned
back there!
Do you ever get the feeling that the information in this topic is coming at you like a
snowball rolling down a hill, with every chapter building onto the previous chapter,
and your Essbase knowledge growing ever larger? Well, you're right! That is exactly
what it is like.
After your little rest and once you realize that you are now proficient in writing and
executing Essbase database calculation scripts, it's time to learn how to actually use
your Essbase cube to present your data for analysis, report your data, and extract
your data for export to downstream users and systems.
Using your Essbase database
So, here you have this nice Essbase database that you know how to load with data.
You also know several different ways to calculate the data in the database once it
has been loaded.
Okay, what do you do with your Essbase database now? You can't cook dinner on it,
can you? Maybe you can cook dinner on your Essbase database after all. It does have
plenty of delicious ingredients. We're pretty sure though, that that's not what you
really want to do with it.
There are lots of ways to use your Essbase database and the data contained in it.
When we talk about using your Essbase database, we are talking about the real life
uses for which it was intended. The Essbase database or cube, itself is just the vehicle
used to collect, organize, and deliver the actual data. The data is the cargo in the cube
that you've taken all this time upto now to handle properly.
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