Databases Reference
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In calc scripts, you can use all of the routine arithmetic operators like +, -, *, / ,
logical operators like =, >, >=, <=, ==, <>, != , and cross dimensional operators
-> (minus sign with Greater than symbol). Since you are reading this topic, we
assume that you are very familiar with Arithmetic and logical operators. Of course,
probably much better than we are!
Cross Dimensional Operator : This operator fetches the data by joining members of
different dimensions. You should only pick one member from each dimension. This
formula can be used in calc scripts and can also be used in outline member formulas.
For example:
"TOTAL REVENUE" -> "TOTAL VEHICLE" ->"YEAR 2009" - The output of this
command returns the Total Revenue for all Vehicles sold in the year 2009.
Basically, you have said, "Give me the TOTAL REVENUE value at the TOTAL VEHICLE
level at the YEAR 2009 level." All in one statement!
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