Databases Reference
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Remember the FIX and ENDFIX commands are best used on Sparse
Dimension due to the physical construction of the Essbase cube. Well,
the opposite is recommended for the IF and ENDIF commands. Because
the IF statement needs to test every occurrence of the data brought to it,
it is best to use the IF and ENDIF commands against a Dense Dimension
because there will be fewer cells of data that need to be tested since the
original subset of data was pulled in as a Sparse Dimension .
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
Again, while this is not always possible, it is a good idea to follow this
recommendation whenever possible.
Just like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF commands can be nested.
We have never been able to determine if there is a limit, but we have also never
hit a limit when coding either. For every IF statement, there must be a matching
ENDIF statement. When using ELSE or ELSEIF , you will still need one ENDIF for
every IF statement.
For example:
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Or this:
IF(Conditional Argument)
IF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
ELSEIF(Conditional Argument)
Any Calculation Function;
Any Calculation Function;
Also, like the FIX and ENDFIX commands, the IF and ENDIF command statements
do not need to be terminated with a semi-colon. Only the actionable calculation
function statements need to be terminated by a semi-colon.
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