Databases Reference
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The command above enables four threads to run in parallel. This means that
upto four threads can be used by the system to calculate the data instead of
the default one thread.
SET FRMLBOTTOMUP ON/OFF : This command enables you to do bottom-up
calculation on the formulas. The command can help speed up the processing
of complex formulas on Sparse Dimensions when the associations and
dependencies are straight forward. When there are a lot of range type
functions used, there may be inconsistent results achieved.
DATACOPY membername1 to membername2 : This command copies data from
one member to another member.
This example above will copy the values in TOTAL REVENUE to BILLED
REVENUE across all levels.
DATACOPY "TOTAL REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 3) to
"BILLED REVENUE"->@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods", 0);
This example above will copy TOTAL REVENUE from the YEARS level to
BILLED REVENUE at the month level.
In a database calculation script, member names which have a space in
them must be in double quotes. If there is no space in a member name,
there is no need to have a double quote.
It is not a bad idea to always wrap member names in double quotes,
whether they contain spaces or not. This makes them easily identifiable
when reading a calc script.
the blocks and sets "#missing" in the blocks. You need to clear blocks before
data refreshes to clear off all of the old data. Remember, this is not entirely
removing the blocks, these blocks still exist and when you do a data load it
will be a little slower. If a block had no data already, meaning it is already
#missing, it will be removed.
° ALL : Clears and sets "#missing" to all data blocks.
° UPPER : Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the consolidated
level blocks.
° NON INPUT : Clears and sets "#missing" to all of the non-input
members, the members to which data is not directly loaded.
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