Databases Reference
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Of course, you can fix on any database member(s) you wish, and sometimes you will
have no choice. However, if calculation script performance becomes an issue, this is
one of the first places to look to make improvements.
For example:
FIX(Sparse Dimension)
IF(Dense Dimension)
Any Calculation Function;
There is one caveat to this. Essbase will only FIX on members in blocks
that have been previously created. You can solve this by using the
CREATEBLOCKONEQ command in your calculation script. This command
will create the necessary missing blocks for your sparse members.
When you use the FIX / ENDFIX command, you are basically turning on, and then off,
the data filtering that you incorporated using the FIX / ENDFIX command in the first
place. In a typical calculation script, you may have many separate instances of
FIX / ENDFIX commands that enclose a wide variety of calculation functions. The
FIX / ENDFIX commands can also be nested inside one another, much like nested
IF / ENDIF statements. For every FIX statement, there must be a matching ENDFIX .
There is one critical thing you must know about nesting FIX / ENDFIX
commands. Never fix on one level of a dimension, then fix again on a
different level of that same dimension in a nested FIX command.
Always attempt to FIX to the specific level you intend to for a dimension in one
FIX command. The reason for this is because even though the next FIX command
is nested within the first FIX command it will still pull the entire dimension into
the calc pool for filtering. In the example of a bad implementation below, the first
FIX command will select all members from the Calendar Periods dimension.
The second FIX command will select all of the zero level members from the
Calendar Periods dimension. This will actually result in all members of the
Calendar Periods dimension being calculated.
Do not do this:
FIX("Calendar Periods")
FIX(@LEVMBRS("Calendar Periods",0))
Any Calculation Function;
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