Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
determines the degree of warping. For 16kHz sampled signals,
approximates the Mel and Bark scales, respectively.
PMVDR Algorithm
We can summarize the PMVDR algorithm as follows [37];
Step 1: Obtain the perceptually warped FFT power spectrum,
Step 2: Compute the “perceptual autocorrelations” by using IFFT on the
warped spectrum,
Step 3: Perform an Mth order LP analysis via Levinson-Durbin recursion
using perceptual autocorrelation lags [41],
Step 4: Calculate the Mth order MVDR spectrum using Eq. (7) from LP
coefficients [36],
Step 5: Obtain Cepstrum coefficients using the straightforward FFT-based
approach [43].
A flow diagram for the PMVDR algorithm is given in Figure 2-8. The
algorithm is integrated into the CU-Move recognizer as the default acoustic
feature front-end, (further information and code can be obtained from the CU-
Move web site [27]).
Figure 2-8. Flow Diagram of the PMVDR acoustic feature front-end
Experimental Evaluation
We evaluate the performance of PMVDR on the CU-Move extended digit
task [27,28,37] using our SONIC [23,25] LVCSR system. Sonic incorporates
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