Digital Signal Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
All of our recorded dialogues are transcribed into text in compliance with
a set of criteria established for the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ)
[13]. In Table 1-4‚ we tabulate many statistical data associated with our
dialogue corpus. As it can be observed from the first row‚ we have collected
more than 187 hours of speech data corresponding to approximately one
million morpheme dialogue units.
Task Domains
We have categorized the sessions into several task domains. In Figure 1-3‚
we show the breakdown of major task domains. It is easy to see that
approximately forty percent of the tasks are related to restaurant information
retrieval‚ which is consistent with earlier studies. In the sections to follow‚ we
will use only the data from the restaurant task. Our findings for other tasks
and driver behavioral data will be discussed later Chapters 17 and 19.
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