Digital Signal Processing Reference
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of P results in information loss, while a big value leads to a matrix not
absolutely noise free.
In order to obtain the appropriate order for the best reconstruction, an F-
norm constrained function used in an analysis-by-synthesis procedure is
proposed. Let
represent the estimated matrix of
from the first s
singular values of
where is the sxs matrix filter as described in (5). We define an F-
norm constrained function (FCF), denoted by
as follows:
It can be proved that the FCF is a monotonically decreasing function with
increasing value of the variable s. According to the F-norm definition and
the assumptions, we have
Obviously, we also have,
due to the use of a new singular value in the reconstruction process of the
estimated Hankel matrix with additional power. From (8) and (9), it is clear
that the FCF is a monotonically decreasing function.
Equation (8) states
that the F-norm of the reconstructed
s <P, is less than that of
coming from the clean signal. This is because
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