Digital Signal Processing Reference
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We proved that the hardware implementation of a torus knot code was
effectively realized by using a unique circuit configuration, which maximizes
the cyclic and symmetrical properties of the code. Furthermore, through
performance simulations, the code was proven to have robust decoding
characteristics with a degraded channel such as one hundredth to one tenth.
In the near future, the high dimensional torus knot code is expected to find
wide applications in the field of high-speed radio communications.
The work was supported by the '98 NEDO project of the Ministry of
International Trade and Industry of Japan and by the 2000 IT-development
support project for creating new industry for Terra-bit technology of the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.
[1]Hata M., Hamasuna Y., Yamaguchi E. and Takumi I., “High-speed and robust error
correcting code for future mobile communications of high -dimensional discrete torus
knot”,WPMC'01, pp.367-372, Sept.2001, Aalborg, Denmark.
[2] Copyright Simon Rockliff, University of Adelaide, 1991.
[3] Copyright Phil Karn,KA9Q,1995.
[4] Copyright Yufei Wu, MPRG lab,Virginia Tech, 1998.
[5] Lin.K Y. and Lee J. “Results on the use of concatenated Reed-Solomon/Viterbi channel
coding and data compression for space communications”, IEEE Trans. Communications,
Vol.COM-32, 5,pp. 18-523, May 1984.
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