Geoscience Reference
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3 3
Impacts and Risks of Global
Axel Borsdorf, 1,a, * Johann Stötter, 2 Georg Grabherr, 3
Oliver Bender, 1,b Carla Marchant 4 and
Rafael Sánchez 5
This chapter analyzes the impacts and risks of climate variation and global
change in mountain regions. Both involve highly sensitive ecosystems,
providing services for the lowlands, and autochthonous ethnicities,
traditional agricultural systems and regional traditions, still alive in
mountain areas. While the impact of climate change is dramatic, its effects
may be seen in a mid- to long-term dimension. In contrast, the effects of
globalization have a much shorter time scale. The scientifi c analysis of
both effects may help to develop adaptions strategies to secure sustainable
regional developments in these important regions of the globe.
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