Geoscience Reference
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in British Columbia will be signifi cantly impacted from the ecosystem
redistribution of tree species, with many of the important conifer species
quickly losing their habitats. A lot more research is required to understand
how the interaction between the changes in meteorological variables under
climate change and those factors which infl uence the biodiversity of the
environment and the nature of human socio-economic activities.
Akinremi, O.O., S.M. McGinn and H.W. Cutforth. 1999. Precipitation trends on the Canadian
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Belliveau, S., B. Smit and B. Bradshaw. 2006. Multiple exposures and dynamic vulnerability:
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Beniston, M. 2003. Climatic change in mountain regions: a review of possible impacts. Climatic
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Charron, D.F., M.K. Thomas, D. Waltner-Toews, J.J. Aramini, T. Edge, R.A. Kent, A.R. Maarouf
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Cohen, S., D. Neilsen, S. Smith, T. Neale, B. Taylor, M. Barton, W. Merritt, Y. Alila, P. Sheperd,
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processes in the mountains of British Columbia, Yukon and Alberta. pp. 1-16. In : E.
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