Geoscience Reference
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Rawat, D.S., N.A. Farooquee and R. Joshi. 1996. Towards sustainable land use in the hills of
Central Himalaya, India. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World
Ecology 3: 57-65.
Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad. 2010. Synthesis report of the global e-conference on Climate
Change and the Himalayan Glaciers 7-30 May 2010. URL:
Sati, Vishwambhar Prasad. 2009. Conservation of Agro-Biodiversity through Traditionally
Cultivating ' Barahnaja ' in the Garhwal Himalaya. MF Bulletin Vol. IX Issue 2 July 2009.
Sati, V.P. and K. Kumar. 2004. Uttarakhand: Dilemma of Plenties and Scarcities . Mittal
Publication, New Delhi, 278 p.
Turner, S.D. 1982. Soil conservation: administrative and extension approaches in Lesotho.
Agricultural Administration 9: 147-162.
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