Geoscience Reference
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Brief Conclusions
As discussed above socio-economic vulnerable people are settling in fragile
ecosystems prone to disasters such as landslides. It is important to have a
strategy or policy to prevent people from inhabiting such fragile land to
minimize the impact of natural disasters. The recent changes to the Forest
Code in Brazil shows disrespect to the reason why the statute came into
being. The legal aberration voted by the House of representatives, on April
25, 2012 refl ects a law which is blind to the scientifi c fi ndings to protect
fragile ecosystem and protecting socio-economic vulnerable people.
Acselrad, Henri. 2006. Mapa dos confl itos ambientais no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de
Janeiro: CD ROOM.
Beck, Ulrich. La sociedad del riesgo. Hacia una nueva modernidad. Tradução de Jorge Navarro,
Daniel Jiménez e Maria Rosa Borrás. 1998. Madri: Ediciones Paidós Ibérica.
Brasil. Ministério das Cidades/Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas—IPT Mapeamento de
Riscos em Encostas e Margem de Rios/Celso Santos Carvalho, Eduardo Soares de Macedo
e Agostinho Tadashi Ogura, organizadores—Brasília: Ministério das Cidades; Instituto
de Pesquisas Tecnológicas—IPT, 2007.
Inter-Agency Standing Committee - IASC. June 2006. PROTECTING PERSONS AFFECTED
BY NATURAL DISASTERS: IASC Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and
Natural Disasters. June 2006, page 8/32. Acess:
Lienhard, Claude. Pour un droit des catastrophes. 1995. Recueil Le Dalloz.
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