Geoscience Reference
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International Organizations
and Research Networks *
Ricardo Rosario
The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme is a UNESCO interdisciplinary
undertaking of environmental research. Shortly after the program was
launched a panel of experts discussed the “Impact of human activities on
mountain and tundra ecosystems” and recommended studies about: human
settlements at high altitudes; the effects of land-use alternatives, impact of
large-scale technology and effects of tourism and recreation on mountain
ecosystems (FAO). As a consequence, a large number of case studies were
carried out worldwide within the framework of the MAB Programme, in
particular in the Andes and the Alps. Besides, several Biosphere Reserves
were created in areas of mountains for its conservation by MAB Programme.
The International Partnership for Sustainable Development in
Mountain Regions (hereinafter referred to as the 'Mountain Partnership')
is an involving alliance of mountain stakeholders, to promote, inter
alia, joint initiatives based on paragraph 42 of the Johannesburg Plan of
implementation and other related instruments. The Mountain Partnership
is a voluntary, broad-based alliance whose membership includes 50
countries, 16 intergovernmental organizations and 118 major groups and
NGOs around the world. Members are addressing the challenges facing
mountain regions by tapping the wealth and diversity of resources,
knowledge, information and expertise, from and between one another, in
order to stimulate concrete initiatives at all levels that will ensure improved
quality of life and environments in the world's mountain regions (Mountain
Partnership 2011).
Brazilian Environmental Law Institute.
# Corresponding author: fl
* This section will present some of the actions implemented by international organizations to
protect mountains around the world.
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