Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
IN CHINA (century)
IN THE WEST (century)
Row Cultivation of Crops
6th BC
16th AD
Iron Plow
6th BC
16th AD
Multi-tube Seed Drill
2nd BC
16th AD
Horse Collar
3rd BC
7th AD
Quantitative Cartography
2nd AD
15th AD
Mercator Map Projection
10th AD
16th AD
Cast Iron
4th BC
13th AD
Crank Handle
2nd BC
9th AD
Steel from Cast Iron
2nd BC
18th AD
Water Power
1st AD
13th AD
Suspension Bridge
1st AD
19th AD
Deep Drilling for Gas
1st BC
20th AD
Belt Drive
1st BC
13th AD
Chain Drive
10th AD
18th AD
Underwater Salvage
11th AD
19th AD
Lacquer (Plastic)
13th BC
19th AD
Petroleum and Gas as Fuel
4th BC
19th AD
2nd BC
12th AD
1st BC
12th AD
Fishing Reel
3rd AD
17th AD
Horse Stirrup
3rd AD
6th AD
3rd AD
20th AD
Biological Pest Control
3rd AD
19th AD
Mechanical Clock
8th AD
14th AD
Printing Movable T Type
11th AD
15th AD
Playing Cards
9th AD
14th AD
Paper Money
9th AD
17th AD
Spinning Wheel
11th AD
13th AD
Circulation of Blood
6th BC
12th AD
Deficiency Diseases
3rd AD
19th AD
Thyroid Hormone
7th AD
19th AD
Immunology for Smallpox
10th AD
18th AD
4th BC
11th AD
First Law of Motion
4th BC
16th AD
2nd AD
16th AD
Modern Geology
2nd AD
17th AD
5th BC
15th AD
Relief Map
3rd BC
13th AD
2nd BC
18th AD
Ship' s Rudder
1st AD
12th AD
Multiple-Mast Ships
2nd AD
14th AD
Watertight Compartments
2nd AD
19th AD
Canal Pound-Lock
10th AD
14th AD
Rotor and Propeller
4th AD
19th AD
Paddle-wheel Boat
5th AD
15th AD
Chemical Warfare
4th BC
19th AD
4th BC
2nd BC
9th AD
12th AD
10th AD
12th AD
Land Mines
13th AD
14th AD
Figure 10-13
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