Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
independence. Highly centralized power of the Mughals
and British fed nationalistic tendencies and was furthered
by the partition of India. Y et federalism, which allows
for regional differences and varying degrees of local
autonomy , has been fundamental to the stamina and
resilience of the Indian and other governments in the
region. At the same time, it has facilitated regionalism,
localism, and communalism. National and regional
ambitions and inequities underlay countless examples of
instability and strife marring the subcontinent into the
twenty-first century .
Recommended Web Sites
Excellent site with videos and photos of Gandhi, Nehru,
Jinnah, and other leaders.
Explanation of varnas and jatis of the caste system. Pho-
tographs of different caste groups.
The Mughal legacy with links to biographies of various leaders
such as Babur and Akbar.
Cultural and economic history . Information on various rulers
and dynasties.
Historic time line for India.
www .indhistory .com /
Ancient, medieval, and modern history .
Cultural aspects of intercaste relations such as food rules.
History and culture of Sikhs. Explanations of special Sikh sym-
bols and the Punjabi language.
History by topic; emperors; maps; information by state.
Information and 103 indexed images of Mohenjo-daro over
30 years of research.
Internet sacred text archive. T ext of topics and epic poems such
as the Vedas, Ramayana, etc.
Excellent site on the history of South Asia. Maps, photos,
videos, and short articles on different eras in addition to infor-
mation on languages, music, etc.
India and Pakistan prehistory to present. Articles on leaders.
Information on the partition to the Islamic Republic of
Bibliography Chapter 6:
South Asia: Creating Dilemmas of Diversity
Allchin, F . R., ed. 1995. The Archaeology of Early Historic South
Asia: The Emergence of Cities and States . Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Basham, A. L. 1968. The W onder That W as Indi , 3rd ed.
London: Macmillan.
Brown, J. 1977. Gandhi and Civil Disobedience . Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Choi, Dong Sull. 1997. Origins and Realities of Suttee in Hin-
duism. Comparative Civilizations Review No. 36: 38-53.
Dalrymple, William. 2007. The Last Mughal: The Fall of a
Dynasty , Delhi 1857 . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Dalton, Dennis. 1995. Mahatma Gandhi, Nonviolent Power in
Action . New Y ork: Columbia University Press.
Davies, C. Collin. 1963. An Historical Atlas of the Indian Penin-
sula . London: Oxford.
Dickason, David G. 1975. The Indian Hill Station. Geographical
Record. The Geographical Review 65: 115-116.
Dirks, Nicholas. 2001. Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Mak-
ing of Modern India . Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Dutt, Ashok K., and M. Margaret Geib. 1987. Atlas of South
Asia . Boulder: Westview .
Farmer, B. H. 1993. An Introduction to South Asia . New Y ork:
Kenny , Judith T . 1995. Climate, Race, and Imperial Authority:
The Symbolic Landscape of the British Hill Station in India.
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Kulke, Hermann, and Kietman Rothermund. 1990. A History of
India (revised edition). New Y ork: Routledge.
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