Geography Reference
In-Depth Information
Crops, environment, water, sanitation, irrigation, and dams in
Inter-Press Service global news agency . Focuses on “the
South” with articles about human rights, gender issues, devel-
opment, and globalization.
www and www .ht m
Read about a multinational edible oil producer.
www .mongabay .com
One of the world' s most popular conservation and news sites.
Focuses on preservation of wild lands and wildlife especially
in tropical regions. Information and photos on impacts of cli-
mate change, economics, and technology on food production
and security .
Global information system for coral reefs and reef fisheries.
GIS maps.
U.S. think tank on environment and resources and the envi-
ronmental aspects of global food and agriculture.
Information on the growth and expansion of palm oil planta-
tions in Southeast Asia. Human and environmental conse-
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.
Information and statistics for economic and social develop-
ment. Downloadable publications.
United Nations Development Fund for Women. Information
and reports on women, poverty and economics, and peace,
security , and human rights.
World Food Program. Country profiles, hunger statistics,
and food security .
Bibliography Chapter 5: Agriculture, Food and Food Security
Adriano, Joel D. 2009. “Philippines: Fish Farming to Reduce
Protein Deficiency in Uplands.” Inter Press Service and Inter-
national Federation of Environmental Journalists, October 22.
AFP . 2008. “Indonesia Looks to Papua to Expand Palm Oil
Plantations: Official.” AFP , May 21.
AFP . 2007. “Southeast Asia Gears Up for Palm Forests.” AFP ,
September 11.
Asia Times . 2009. “Illegal Logging Costing Indonesia Dearly .”
Asia Times, July 11.
Bourne, Jr., Joel. 2007. “Biofuels: Boon or Boondoggle.” Na-
tional Geographic 212/4: 38-59.
Bray , Francesca. 1986. The Rice Economies: T Technology and De-
velopment in Asian Societies . Berkeley: University of California
Butler, Rhett, A. 2006. “Why is Oil Palm Replacing T Tropical
Rainforests? Why are Biofuels Fueling Deforestation?”
Mongabay , April 25.
Cohen, Dave. 2007. 'Palm Oil--The Southeast Report.” The Oil
Drum: Discussions About Energy and our Future, January 30.
De Haen, H., 2003. “The World Food Economy in the
T Twenty-First Century: Challenges for International Coopera-
tion.” Development Policy Review 21: 683-696.
Dixon J., et al., eds. 2001. Global Farming Systems Study: Chal-
lenges and Priorities to 2030 . Rome: Food and Agriculture Or-
ganization of the United Nations.
ESCAP . 2009. Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Asia
and the Pacific . New Y ork: United Nations.
FAO. 2008. Understanding Avian Influenza . Rome: Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FAO. 2009. The State of Food Insecurity in the W orld . Rome:
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
FA T A. 2003. Between Hope and Despair , Pakistan Participatory
Poverty Assessment . Islamabad: Federally Administered T Tribal
Areas Report.
FFTC. 1998. Sustainable Agriculture in Upland Areas of Asia . Taipei:
Food and Fertilizer T Technology Center for Asia and the Pacific.
Greger, Michael. 2006. Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching .
New Y ork: Lantern Books.
Halweil, Brian. 2008. Farming Fish for the Future . Worldwatch
Report 176. Washington D.C.: Worldwatch Institute.
Halweil, Brian, and D. Nierenberg. 2008. “Meat and Seafood:
The Global Diet' s Most Costly Ingredients.” In 2008 State of
the W orld: Innovations for a Sustainable Economy , pp. 61-74.
New Y ork: Norton/Worldwatch.
Huang, J., and C. David. 1993. Demand for Cereal Grains in
Asia: The Effect of Urbanization. American Journal ofAgricul-
tural Economics 8: 107-124.
ICSC. 2004. “Diet and Nutrition Change in Asia.” New Direc-
tions for a Diverse Planet . Brisbane, Australia: Proceedings of
the 4th International Crop Science Congress.
IFAD. 2009. “Gender in Fisheries and Agriculture.” In Gender
in Agriculture Sourcebook , pp. 561-567. Washington, D.C.:
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/
World Bank.
IFAD. 2009. “Gender and Food Security .” In Gender in Agricul-
ture Sourcebook , pp. 11-22. Washington, D.C.: The Interna-
tional Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank.
ILO. 2009. Global Employment T Trends for W ome . Geneva: In-
ternational Labor Office.
Kelkar, Govind. 2009. The Feminization of Agriculture in Asia:
Implications for W omen' s Agency and Productivity . New Delhi:
United Nations Development Fund for Women.
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