Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
To do this, we'll inject translations in the DOM on page load with JavaScript. Our convention to identify a
translation key is to have a i18n-{key} class on the DOM tag to replace the translation where {key} is the
key of the translation (the key should only contain alphanum and _ characters to be selected properly).
The example
Table 3-1 shows the English and French translations we used for the example.
Table 3-1. Example Translations in English and French
Hello world
Bonjour le monde
In SAME, your goal is to remove all
balls in the grid.
Dans SAME, l'objectif est de retirer toutes les
billes d'une grille .
HTML code
<!doctype html>
<div><span class="i18n-hello_world"></span>. bla bla bla</div>
<div><span class="i18n-gamegoal_1"></span>. bla bla bla</div>
JavaScript i18n basic code
Listing 3-15 is a simple internationalizer code using jQuery or Zepto.
Listing 3-15. Internationalizer Code
var Locale = { get: function(){ ... } };
var i18n = function() {
var lang, defaultLang = "en";
var dictionaries = {
"en": { "hello_world": "Hello world", "gamegoal_1": "In SAME, your goal is to
remove all balls in the grid." },
"fr": { "hello_world": "Bonjour le monde", "gamegoal_1": "Dans SAME, l'objectif
est de retirer toutes les billes d'une grille." }
var updateDOM = function() {
var dict = dictionaries[lang] || dictionaries[defaultLang];
for(var key in dict) $(".i18n-"+key).text(dict[key]);
return {
init: function() {
lang = Locale.get() || defaultLang;
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