Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
The first table will always contain the general information of the data set: name,
number of attributes, number of instances, number of classes, presence of MVs,
The second table contains the relation of attributes of the data set. For each attribute,
the domain of the values is given. If it is a numerical attribute, the minimum and
maximum values of the domain are presented. In the case of nominal attributes,
the complete set of values is shown. The class attribute (if applicable) is stressed
with a different color.
Additional information of the data set is also included, indicating its origin, applica-
tions and nature. In a second part of the webpage, the complete data set and a number
of partitions can be downloaded in Keel format.
10.3.2 Experimental Study Web Pages
This section contains the links to the different experimental studies for the respective
data set categories. For each category, a newwebpage has been built. See Fig. 10.7 for
thewebpage devoted to the experimental studieswith standard classification data sets.
These webpages contain published journal publications which use the correspondent
kind of data sets in the repository. The papers are grouped by the publication year.
Each paper can contain up to four links:
Fig. 10.7 Keel-dataset experimental studies with standard classification data sets webpage
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