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weaving of the global and local search phases allows the two to influence each
other; i.e. SSGA chooses good starting points, and local search provides an accu-
rate representation of that region of the domain. A brief pseudocode of the SSMA
is shown as follows:
Initialize population
While (not termination-condition) do
Use binary tournament to select two parents
Apply crossover operator to create
offspring ( Of f 1 , Of f 2 )
Apply mutation to Of f 1 and Of f 2
Evaluate Of f 1 and Of f 2
For each Of f i
Invoke Adaptive- P LS -mechanism to
obtain P LS i for Of f i
If υ(
) < P LS i then
Perform meme optimization for Of f i
End if
End for
Employ standard replacement for Of f 1 and Of f 2
End while
Return the best chromosome
COoperative COevolutionary Instance Selection (CoCoIS) [ 72 ]—The cooper-
ative algorithm presents the following steps:
Initialize population of combinations
Initialize subpopulations of selectors
While Stopping criterion not met do
For N iterations do
Evaluate population of combinations
Select two individuals by roulette selection
and perform two point crossover
Offspring substitutes two worst individuals
Perform mutation with probability P mutation
For M iterations do
Foreach subpopulation i do
Evaluate selectors of subpopulation i
Copy Elitism% to new subpopulation i
Fill (1-Elitism)% of subpopulation
i by HUX crossover
Apply random mutation with probability P random
Apply RNN mutation with probability P rnn
Evaluate population of combinations
Where N and M are the number of iterations.
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