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which it may work. It is normal to compare one method with another or a subset
of a previously proposed model to enhance and justify its new benefits and also to
comment on it and find out when it does not work.
To measure the concerns described above, one have to appeal to quantitative
measures that overall define the performance of a method. Performance can be seen
as a list of objectives and, for FS, the list is basically composed by three main goals:
Inferability: For predictive tasks, assumed as the main purpose for which FS is
developed, considered as an improvement of the prediction of unseen examples
with respect to the direct usage of the raw training data. In other words, themodel or
structural representation obtained from the subset of features by theDMalgorithms
obtained better predictive capability than that built from the original data.
Interpretability: Again considering predictive tasks, related to the model generated
by the DM algorithm. Given the incomprehension of raw data by humans, DM
is also used for generating more understandable structure representation that can
explain the behavior of the data. It is obvious to pursue the simplest possible
structural representation because the simpler a representation is, the easier is to
interpret. This goal is at odds with accuracy.
Data Reduction: Closely related to the previous goal, but in this case referring to
the data itself, without involving any DM algorithms. It is better and simpler, from
any point of view, to handle data with lower dimensions in terms of efficiency and
interpretability. However, evidence shows that it is not true that the greater the
reduction of the number of features, the better the understandability.
Our expectation is to increase the three goals mentioned above at the same time.
However, it is amulti-objective optimization problemwith conflicting sub-objectives,
and it is necessary to find a good trade-off depending on the practice or on the
application in question. We can derive three assessment measures from these three
goals to be evaluated independently:
Accuracy: It is the most commonly used measure to estimate the predictive power
and generalizability of a DM algorithm. A high accuracy shows that a learned
model works well on unseen data.
Complexity: It indirectly measures the interpretability of a model. A model is
structured according to a union of simpler elements, thus if the number of such
elements is low, the complexity is also low. For instance, a decision tree is com-
posed by branches, leaves and nodes as its basic elements. In a standard decision
tree, the number of leaves is equal to the number of branches, although there may
be branches of different lengths. The number of nodes in a branch can define
the complexity of this branch. Even for each node, the mathematical expression
used inside for splitting data can have one or more comparisons or operators.
All together, the count of all of these elements may define the complexity of a
Number of features selected: A measure for assessing the size of the data. Small
data sets mean fewer potential hypotheses to be learned, faster learning and simpler
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