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valid prices used by the LCC then the model has to specify capacities q f,i,p for
each price, flight and time interval. We introduce a binary parameter u f,l with
u f,l = 1 if flight f uses leg l and u f,l =0otherwise.
Model 3: LPCF
p · q f,i,p
subject to
u f,l · q f,i,p ≤ Q l
∀l ∈ L
q f,i,p ≤ d f,i,p · b f,i,p
∀p ∈ P,f ∈ F,i ∈ I
b f,i,p =1
∀f ∈ F,i ∈ I
b f,i,p ≤ B f,p
∀f ∈ F,i ∈ I,p ∈ P
B f,p ≤ n
∀f ∈ F
q f,i,p ≥ sold f,i,p
∀p ∈ P,f ∈ F,i ∈ I
b f,i,p
p≤p 0
b f,i− 1 ,p
∀f ∈ F,p 0 ∈ P,i ∈ I\{ 1 }
p≤p 0
B f,p ∈{ 0 , 1 }
∀p ∈ P,f ∈ F
b f,i,p ∈{ 0 , 1 }
∀p ∈ P,f ∈ F,i ∈ I
q f,i,p 0 , integer
∀p ∈ P,f ∈ F
In the objective function we sum revenue over all flights. While class limits
are on flights, seat capacity constraints are on legs. Here we allow each leg to
have a different capacity Q l which gives flexibility for use of different aircraft
types. As for the first model no rounding is necessary, the model can be solved
by standard MIP-solvers, yet, the dimension of an instance is now depending on
the number of prices in schema P , the number of flights F and the number of
time intervals to be optimized. We will report on computational results in the
next section.
4 Application - A Simulation Study
We have compared the models introduced in the previous section using real data
provided by Germanwings. This data covers a subset of the flight network with
six direct flights and five connecting flights between seven European airports.
The starlike network is shown in Figure 4. All flights are scheduled on a weekly
basis and operated up to 3 times a day which results in a total of 118 direct
flights per week.
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