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2 Mathematical Programming Formulation
Given a planning horizon H ,asetof n mandatory cities and a set of p selective
cities, the TSPSNTW, consists of determining a circuit that minimizes an overall
time function, that depends on the traveled distance and the waiting time before
starting each visit, and satisfies the following constraints:
- it starts, at the home city, at day 1 and ends, at the home city, before the
th day.
- visits each mandatory city exactly once within one of the required time
windows. If the traveling salesman arrives at a city location before the cor-
responding time window lower bound, then he has to wait before starting
the sales operation. The duration of the sales operation depends on the city
being visited.
- according to a predefined periodicity, a selective city must be visited within
one of the corresponding time windows. The duration of such visits is set
out a priori.
More formally, consider a directed graph G =( V,A ). The set V = E
P is
the vertex set where each vertex i
E =
1 , ..., n
corresponds to a mandatory
city and each vertex i
corresponds to
a selective city or to the home city. The home city has been split into two
vertices: 0 and n + p +1 which correspond, respectively, to the starting and ending
location of the route. The arc set A includes the arcs
P =
0 ,n +1 , ..., n + p,n + p +1
(0 ,i ) ,i
( i,j ):
( i,j )
= j
( i,j ):( i,j )
( P
( i,j ):( i,j )
( P
. In any feasible solution, each vertex
associated with a mandatory city has degree two, each vertex corresponding
to the home city has degree one and the remaining vertices, corresponding to
selective nodes, have degree 0 or 2.
A travel time t i,j , indicating the time spent to travel from location i to location
j , is associated to each arc ( i,j ) ∈ A . Note that travel times need not satisfy the
triangle inequality and need not be symmetric.
For each day h =1 , ...,
n + p +1
( i, n + p +1): i
a time window [ e h ,l h ] is defined to ensure that, for
each city visited on day h , the sales operation starts within the times e h and l h
and occurs before the end of the
th day. Each vertex i
E has to be visited
in exactly one of the
time windows.
For each of the predefined time periods where the traveling salesman needs
to reach a selective city, s =1 , ...,
, time windows ( e |H| + s ,l |H| + s )aregiven.
For each vertex i
P the time spent during the corresponding visit is given
and denoted by prof i .
To model the problem we consider three types of decision variables: route
variables, time window variables and time variables. As for the route variables,
let x i,j =1 if the salesman travels directly from city i to city j and 0 otherwise.
Two sets of decision variables are used to represent the time windows. One
set defines the time interval for the visit to each mandatory city. That is, δ i =1
if city i
E is visited during time window h,h =1 , ...,
and 0 otherwise.
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