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The proposed method is depicted in Procedure 1. The problem involves many
decisions at different levels. Thus, to make the problem more tractable a de-
composition approach is taken. The main idea is first to estimate point-to-point
requests (done in Step 5), and then, based on this information, to apply the it-
erative GRASP phases of construction (Step 7) and local search (Step 8). Each
of these components is described next.
Procedure 1. GRASP( Δβ , α , limit iter )
Input: Δβ , step parameter for cost matrix; α , RCL quality parameter; limit iter ,
number of iterations
Output: X best , best solution found
1: X best ←∅ ; f ( X best ) +
2: find shortest paths(G, C s ,C d ,S s ,S d )
3: β ← 0
4: while ( β ≤ 1) do
5: R ← solve TP(β)
6: for ( iter =1to limit iter ) do
7: X ← constructSolution ( α, R )
8: X ← localSearch ( X )
9: if ( X is better than X best ) then
10: X best ← X
11: end if
12: end for
13: β ← β + Δβ
14: end while
15: return X best
Preprocessing: Construction of the optimal cost and time matrices: Initially we
have an undirected graph where the edges handle two types of costs ( c ij and
c ij )andtwotypesoftimes( s ij and s ij ), for single and double vehicles. In this
preprocessing phase (Step 2 of Procedure 1), we find optimal shortest paths be-
tween all pairs of nodes for each of the four matrices by applying the well-known
Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Let c [ ij ] and c [ ij ] be the cheapest cost of traveling
from node i to node j using a single and double vehicle, respectively. Similarly,
let s [ ij ] and s [ ij ] represent the shortest time of traveling from i to j for a single
and a double vehicle, respectively. This information on optimal paths is used in
other components of the algorithm and needs to be computed only once.
Decomposition: Point-to-point request generation: As mentioned before, to make
the problem more tractable we first attempt to estimate point-to-point requests.
Each request or order is identified by a vector ( i,j,p,r ijp ), where r ijp is the
amount of product p (measuredinnumberof12-bottleboxes)tobepickedupat i
and delivered to j . To compute these requests, we solve a transportation problem,
where we take as input the information on pickup and delivery quantities at every
node (given by parameters n ip and n ip , respectively), and the “cost” between
nodes i and j . Now, we must bear in mind that this cost depends on whether
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