Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 3.16  Geometry of C A from ( a ) an inferior, and ( b ) atrial view, whereas C B and C C are shown
in ( c ) and ( d ), respectively. The name of the four veins and the location of the LAA are indicated
in ( b )
the same vertical position as the left pulmonary veins in cA. The geometry of c A , is
shown in Fig. 3.16a and b , whereas Fig. 3.16c and d , show c B and c C , respectively.
Left Ventricle 2
In this example real-time 3D echocardiography (RT3DE) is used to record moving
structures of the left ventricle during a cardiac cycle. The 3D echocardiography left
ventricle volume of a 30 year-old female volunteer was acquired using a Vivid E9
scanner using a 3V matrix probe with a centre frequency 2.4 MHz (GE Healthcare
2 This section has been contributed to by S. K. Dahl , in Dahl, S. K., Fagerholt, E., Kiss, G., Prot,
V., Amundsen, B., Hellevik, L. R., Skallerud, B. (2011). 3D moving boundary conditions for heart
CFD simulations—from echocardiographic recordings to discretised surface. MekIT'11: Sixth
National Conference on Computational Mechanics:33-46.
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