Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
The Human Cardiovascular System
Before delving into the computational methods of CHD, this chapter provides a pre-
liminary understanding of the circulatory system from a physiological and function-
al perspective, as well as related terminologies that will be used in the succeeding
chapters. This includes descriptions, locations, geometry, and naming conventions
for the relevant anatomy. This facilitates the process of computational reconstruc-
tion of the anatomy related to cardiovascular modelling introduced in Chaps. 3 and
4 and establish physiologically correct boundary conditions discussed in Chap. 5.
The models arising from this process are linked to haemodynamic analyses that are
discussed in Chaps. 7 and 8. Knowledge of the anatomy and its functions provides
a smooth transition towards understanding cardiovascular function, and its CHD
modelling requirements, while also stimulating interest in the reader after having
established the background knowledge.
Functions of the Circulatory System
The circulatory system comprises the cardiovascular system that transports blood,
and the lymphatic system that distributes lymph throughout the body. theIt circula-
tory system, which is a network of blood vessels that transports nutrients in the form
of amino acids, electrolytes, lymph (fluid containing white blood cells), hormones,
and oxygenated blood to tissues or organs in the human body. This maintains ho-
meostasis, the immune system, and stabilizes body temperature and pH levels.
The human cardiovascular network is a closed loop system that enables the
transport of oxygenated blood to the tissues and organs of the human body and
the de-oxygenated blood to the respiratory organs. The heart pumps approximate-
ly 5 L of blood through the cardiovascular network to vital organs of the human
body, providing nutrients and oxygen that are needed, and then transporting the
waste products and harmful chemicals away from them. The cardiovascular system
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