Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1.11  Comparison of velocity profiles for pre- and virtually stented arteries. Velocity profile
and pressure differences across a stenosed region (  based on 6 case samples ) for pre- and virtu-
ally reconstructed arteries can be used to decide the suitability of stenting for the atherosclerotic
plasia, leading to restenosis (LaDisa et al. 2005b; Liu and Goldman 2001), and also
with areas of inhibited endothelial cell migration onto the stent surfaces (Sprague
et al. 2000).
However, the presence of a non-biocompatible device inside an artery can lead to
inflammation and also influence the fluid dynamic behaviour in regions next to the
arterial wall. Parts of the stent struts protruding into the lumen may induce forma-
tion of vortices and stagnation zones which affect WSS. Other issues exist for the
patient after stent implantation such as vessel dissection and elastic recoil. These ef-
fects depend on parameters such as stent configuration, its global length, the deliv-
ery system, the struts dimension, shape, and spacing (Tominaga et al. 1992). Stents
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