Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Open your PC's web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Chrome). Go to www.
python.org/download/releases/2.7.6 and click the Windows x86 MSI Installer
(2.7.6) link to install it.
2. When the file python-2.7.6.msi has finished downloading, run it either by
clicking the Open Run menu option or by opening the download folder and
double-clicking the file.
3. You may be presented with a security warning box asking “Do you want to run
this file?” Click Run.
4. Click Next to start the installation.
5. You will be asked to choose a location to install Python. It is best to choose the
default location. Click Next. Make a note of the location so you can find your
Python files if you need them.
6. Don't change any of the options on Customize Python window, just click Next.
7. User Account Control may ask for your permission to run the set-up program. If
so, click Yes.
8. Wait for setup program to complete the installation and click Finish.
Installing the.Starter Kit and Python
on.Your Apple Mac
If you are using an Apple Mac, the next part in setting up your computer is to:
1. Download the starter kit for Apple Mac and extract it to your desktop.
2. Download the Python programming language and install it on your Apple Mac.
Downloading and Extracting the Starter Kit
Follows these steps to download the Apple Mac starter kit and copy the contents to
the desktop (by placing them on your desktop it will make it easy for you to find them
whenever you need them):
1. Open your Apple Mac's web browser (such as Safari, Chrome), go to the compan-
ion website ( www.wiley.com/go/adventuresinminecraft ) and download the starter
kit for your Apple Mac.
2. When the starter kit zip file has finished downloading, open it. You can do this
either by clicking the file or by opening the download folder and double-clicking
the AIMStarterKitMac.zip file.
3. The zip file contains only one folder, called AdventuresInMinecraft . Copy
this folder to the desktop by clicking the folder, holding down the button and
dragging it to the desktop (see Figure 1-5).
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