Hardware Reference
In-Depth Information
http://www.sparkfun.com —Sparkfun have a really good range of electronics
and some really well written hookup guides for getting everything connected.
Sparkfun designed the Arduino Pro-Micro that you may have used in
Adventures 5, 9 and the bonus adventure, but note that many of their products
are not pre-programmed or pre-soldered, so you'll need to do a little more work
to get going from here.
http://www.maplin.co.uk —Maplin Electronics are a good high-street retailer,
and it's great to be able to have an idea on a Sunday afternoon and just walk into
a shop and buy the necessary components while you still have the idea fresh in
your mind!
Other Ways to.Make Things Happen
Programming Minecraft in Python is not the only way to automate tasks. Minecraft
has redstone and command blocks, as well as tags. Each of these can be combined with
each other to make parts of your Minecraft world do different things automatically.
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Command_Block —Command blocks
can be triggered to automate tasks for you. You can wire them up to a redstone sig-
nal that triggers the command to run. There are many things you can build; just
take a look at the booby traps and teleporters on this tutorial page.
map-making-tutorials —his site shows how to use Named Binary Tags (NBT—
the internal save format of many Minecraft data types) with commands.
Without programming, you can send in commands with tags to create and con-
figure a range of different Minecraft objects, such as blocks and entities.
www.minecraft101.net/redstone/redstone101.html —Redstone is the Minecraft
equivalent of electricity. It is deceptively simple, but out of lots of very simple
circuits you can build very complex devices.
Projects and Tutorials
Sometimes it's fun to come up with your own project ideas, but sometimes you need
that little extra inspiration to get going. The websites listed here have a very nice collec-
tion of example projects, many of which are contributed by hobbyists and developers
in the community.
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Tutorials/Advanced_redstone_circuits —his
tutorial shows how redstone can be used to piece together lots and lots of small
redstone circuits to make a really large automated structure, and walks you
through how to build a complete computer out of redstone, step by step!
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