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Delete the pass statement that is indented under the function.
2. Indented under the def createDiamonds(arenaPos, number): line, cre-
ate a connection to Minecraft:
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
3. Create the number of diamonds you require by finding random x and z positions
in the arena and setting the block to a DIAMOND_BLOCK :
for diamond in range(0, number):
x = random.randint(arenaPos.x, arenaPos.x + ARENAX)
z = random.randint(arenaPos.z, arenaPos.z + ARENAZ)
mc.setBlock(x, arenaPos.y + 1, z,
4. he createDiamonds() function now needs to be called at the start of the game
loop; every time a new level starts, a new set of diamonds is created. Indented
under the game loop, directly under the while loop, add the following code:
#game loop
while not gameOver:
createDiamonds(arenaPos, DIAMONDS[level])
diamondsLeft = DIAMONDS[level]
The variable diamondsLeft is also created; this will hold the number of dia-
monds remaining for the player to collect.
5. Run the program. Because you are on the first level, you should see three dia-
monds created at random locations in the arena.
After you have created the diamonds, you can add the code to monitor the player's hit
events using the pollBlockHits function (which you learned in Adventure 4) and,
when if the player hits a DIAMOND block, turn it to AIR .
Add the following code under the level loop to turn the DIAMOND_BLOCK to AIR if
the player hits it:
1. Indented under the level loop, call the pollBlockHits function to get any
block hit events:
#level loop
while not gameOver and not levelComplete:
hits = mc.events.pollBlockHits()
2. Loop through the block hit events and get the type of block that was hit:
for hit in hits:
blockHitType = mc.getBlock(hit.pos.x, hit.pos.y,
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