Hardware Reference
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Start up Minecraft, IDLE, and if you are working on a PC or a Mac, start up the Bukkit
server too. You should have had a bit of practice with starting everything up by now,
but refer back to Adventure 1 if you need any reminders.
1. Start by opening IDLE and creating a new file. Save the file as
LinesCirclesAndSpheres.py in the MyAdventures folder.
2. Next, import the minecraft , block , minecraftstuff and time modules by
typing the following lines:
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
import mcpi.minecraftstuff as minecraftstuff
import time
3. Create the connection to Minecraft:
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
4. Use the minecraftstuff module to create a MinecraftDrawing object by
mcdrawing = minecraftstuff.MinecraftDrawing(mc)
MinecraftDrawing is a class in the minecraftstuff module. Classes are
part of a special method of programming called “Object Oriented” which is a
way of grouping similar functions and data together—in this case, Minecraft
drawing functions and data—so they are easier to understand and use. When
you use a class and give it a name (e.g. mcdrawing ) you create an object. This
is known as instantiation. An object is similar to a variable but rather than just
holding values (or data), it also has functions!
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a complex subject and volumes of
topics have been written on what it is and how to use it successfully, there is,
however, a useful introduction to using classes in Python at en.wikibooks.org/
You can look at the code in minecraftstuff by opening the minecrafts-
tuff.py file in the MyAdventures/mcpi folder using IDLE.
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