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To build lots of houses, you need to add a for loop to your program as follows:
1. So that you don't break your existing buildHouse2.py program, use File
Save As from the menu and save a new file called buildStreet.py .
2. At the end of the program, add a for loop above the final house() along with a
line that changes the x position that the house is built at. Each house is built
SIZE blocks away from the previous house. The new lines are marked in bold:
for h in range(5):
x = x + SIZE
Save your program, then move to a place in the Minecraft world where there is a bit of
space, and run the program. As shown in Figure 3-7, you should get a huge street of
five houses as far as the eye can see! Walk your player into each of the houses and make
sure that they have been built properly.
FIGURE.3-7: A street of five identical houses built automatically with a Python
How could you modify your loop so that instead of building your houses in a
row, it builds them upwards to create a huge tower block? Try it. Turn your tower
block builder into a function called tower() and then use a loop to build a few
tower blocks inside your Minecraft world.
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