Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
18. Set the Percentage scale for render resolution under Dimensions to
25% .
19. Under the Performance tab, set the Acceleration structure to Static
BVH and check both Use Spatial Splits and Cache BVH (this is probably
not really useful for a simple Spheroid but just in case you want to render
a more complex object).
20. Now select the lamp and delete it (press X on the keyboard); go to the
World window and click on Use Nodes for the material.
21. Click on Color and set the RGB values to 0.100 and the Strength to
0.100 ; set the Ambient Occlusion ( AO ) to 0.30 but let it be unchecked
(it's a low value ready in case we want to use the AO, but it's usually bet-
ter not to have it activated by default).
22. Now press Shift + A and add a new plane; out of edit mode, press N in
the Camera view and in the Transform tab on the right of the 3D window
set these values: Location X as 145.00 , Y as -65.00 , and Z as 110.00 ;
Rotation X as -16° , Y as -126° , and Z as -4° ; Scale X , Y , and Z as 12 .
23. Go into the Material window and assign a new material; switch the Dif-
fuse BSDF shader with an Emission one, set the Color to pure white,
and the Strength to 120.000 ; change the material's name in Emitter :
24. Press N to close the Camera view Properties panel.
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