Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
By setting the method to True , we can have a displacement effect not
different from the Displace Modifier output, and the mesh must be
Both will use the texture gray-scale values' information for a displace-
ment and the bump effect together.
3. Select True .
4. Reselect the spheroid. Go in the Material window under the Properties
panel, and in the Displacement tab click on the blue Value button labeled
Wave Texture to select an Image Texture node from the pop-up menu.
5. Click on the Open button, browse to the textures folder, and load the
quads.png image.
6. Just under the Open button, click on the Color Space button to set it to
Non-Color Data .
7. Split the bottom 3D window to open a UV/Image Editor window. Press
Tab to go in edit mode and then press U with the mouse pointer in the 3D
window. In the UV Mapping menu, select Smart UV Project , then press
Tab again to go out of edit mode (this is a quicker way of unwrapping the
spheroid which, remember, at its lower level of subdivision is still a cube.
If you want, you can do a better unwrapping by placing seams to unfold it
and by selecting a normal Unwrap from the menu).
8. Go to the Object Modifiers window and raise the Subdivisions levels
for both View and Render to 6 :
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